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Good Boy Books
Official website of authors Mina Chara and Alexander Charalambides. We write thought-provoking fantasy and science fiction
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She posts her work, visual and literary
Marina's Youtube
Where she rambles about story-telling​
Alexander's twitter
He mostly posts stream of consciousness nonsense
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Black Blade Trilogy
Urban fantasy by technicality, dark by nature, confusing by choice.
Can Lance ever live up to his own heroic standards?
Did I need to leave the reader with so many questions?
How black can this blade get?
You'll have to read the whole trilogy to find out...
Vampire State Series
Wowza, that's a lot of words about what I would say, if this epic five book series wasn't actually a slow-burn romance between a vampiric activist looking to turn his blood-sucking society around and the single most stubborn woman in the world.
This is a saga about everyday bravery, activism, journalism and the inalienable rights of people...but also giant cannibals, wise-cracking bank robbers with mysterious destinies and of course, fangly popped-collar jerks.
Ah! Ah! Ah! Five! Five books!
My first foray into pure-action, recently re-released.
You might assume this intruige and epsionage packed thrill ride is helmed by John Protagonist with his relatably square but not too square jaw.
Not so, in fact, Lethal's hero (Hildegard Pine) may be the singlest most dysfunctional freak I've ever invented. Check it out if you love mentally ill teens blowing stuff up.
Formula Q-niverse
This one's about sci-fi motorsports in the future. Do you like heroines who are hot-headed, petty, hyperactive over-competetive jerks? No? Better skip this one then.
Are they gone? Okay, well this book also has a talking dog.
Mrow! Breooo! Vrrooom!
I was doing a press thing for this one and somebody asked me, "why cars?"
I could only answer "brum brum vrooom!"
Wah! Wah! Waaaaaa neoooowww!
Rrrrrrrrrum...scrumscrumscrum bWEOOOWWWWW
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