We have to make it a quick one this week, as we're now hard at work editing, formatting, uploading, coordinating marketing, release and development time windows, whew!
Imagine hundreds of little yellow dogs with hard-hats on stringing up construction tape, looking at blueprints, driving forklifts and hammering away with pick-axes.
It's not anything like that but we think it's an appealing mental image regardless.
Are they builders or miners? Who knows.
We'd leave at that for this week...if it wasn't for Prime Day!
This year it falls on October 10th to the 11th and we're already warming up with offers on Amazon's Audible Plus and Premium Plus down below.
Oh. what's the difference?
Since we here at Good Boy Books are keen to move into audiobooks, we've been studying: Audible Plus works like Kindle Unlimited, giving you unlimited access to everything in Audible Plus' catalogue, and Premium Plus is a higher tier that awards you one free audiobook a month.
To that end...behold, our affiliate links! (that means we get paid if you click and/or buy)
You can try out Audible (in preparation for our big release) or gift a subscription as a gift!